After being here a month now I've decided that there must be a missing page of The Declaration of Independence. Yeah of course the founding fathers wanted a democracy and a better way to define their new government but here's the stuff they forgot to mention.
1. No 24 hour clock for us. We're going to go from 1-12 and then start all over again. That whole 23:00 o'clock is just too confusing (unless of course you are in the military and then we stick with the 24 hour clock just to mess with those guys.)
2. Let's make all new plugs so that we can identify any of those foreigners that come in to our country. We'll cut them off at the pass and blow up their hair dryers.
3. From now on all the light switches will be pushed up to turn on and down to off.
4. All bed sizes will be different over here so that when the Europeans arrive they'll all have to buy new beds and new linens.
5. Okay, maybe they weren't thinking that far ahead but a later amendment to the Declaration of Independence were the TV standards. If Europeans want the PAL video standard then we are going to use NTSC just so they have to buy new TVs over here as well.
6. If the rest of the world changes to a different form of measurement (i.e. metric) we won't. That way, no one will know how fast they are going, how far it is to the next exit, what temperature the oven is on, how much butter to put in their cake mix or how much material you need to make drapes
I think you missed your calling in the literature world ;) Or comedy might be something to consider! I love your posts :)